Halloween Candy Buy Back and Toy Drive 2017
- October 20, 2017
- by Generations Dental
- Candy Buy Back, Children's Hospital, Community, G9, Generations Dental, Halloween, I Back Jack,
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Every year at Halloween, Dr. Jim and Dr. Kelly host a candy buy back event. We want to get the candy out of your house to help your mouth and the rest of your body stay healthy. The candy is donated to soldiers serving over seas through Operation Gratitude. In return for turning in candy, we pay each kid $1 for every pound of candy we receive (with a $5 limit per child). We also donate $0.50 for every pound of candy (with no limit) to benefit our community.
This event is centered on children and we want their candy donation to somehow give back to them. When we first started doing the buy back, we would give our matching donation to the school that the child attended. Since we had participants from all over the area, this didn’t add up to much for each school. So, we decided to donate to the area charity I Back Jack to help kids with cancer. This year we want to be able to give something more tangible and while encouraging our participants to partake in the giving as well. So we have decided to use our $0.50 per pound to purchase toys, books, games, and gift cards to be donated to Jack’s Toy Shop at Children’s Hospital. We are encouraging our candy donors, patients, and community members to also donate a gift for the toy shop as well. We would love to show up at Children’s with a huge pile of goodies for the kids receiving treatment.
In case you are unaware, Jack’s Toy Shop was started this summer after a $50,000 donation from the I Back Jack Foundation. I Back Jack was formed to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research by the family of Jack Bartosz following his diagnosis with neuroblastoma. His sister, Annie, later formed Gold in September (G9) to more widely contribute to the same cause. The donation for Jack’s Toy Shop was part of the sun-setting process as I Back Jack moves to completely support G9. Jack was from the Lake Country area and Generations Dental has continued to support I Back Jack and the G9 initiative over the past few years. If you would like more information about Jack’s Toy Shop, click here for an article from by the Journal Sentinel.
We truly hope to see you all during our 2017 Candy Buy Back. Please support this wonderful cause by bringing in your candy, adding a monetary contribution toward our toy purchase or participating in the toy drive. Here is a Wish List of some items that they are in need of at the Toy Shop.
See you in a few weeks!
Dr. Jim and Dr. Kelly’s Candy Buy Back & Toy Drive
November 1st and 2nd
8:00am – 5:45pm
Generations Dental
139 E. Capitol Dr.
Hartland, WI